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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2011 in all areas

  1. So I take it that we are just ignoring the fact that he previously said he lied about the whole thing? If the sasquatch behavior matches what you have read in previous reports that couldn't be the inspiration for his story? It certainly isn't going to hurt anything to use some of his methods, but he point blank said he made it up. I don't know what else there is to say so I guess I'll just stop commenting and let y'all enjoy yourselves.
    1 point
  2. I don't begrudge you your experience, but when you deny it, then turn around and say it's real, then go off the deep end (at least from what I have seen on the forum) then I don't trust you. You know the old saying "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." There is no need to take that personally. You said you were that way yourself in Enoch so why judge the forum members for being the same way? From what I gather you trust no one and that was why you retreated to the swamp in the first place, am I right? If you come through, I'll be the happiest person in the world for you, but considering the source that is exactly what it will take. I can't speak for anyone else. Feel free to have the last word whether here or in the book you are writing.
    1 point
  3. Let the fawning continue! About the underwear, TMI.
    1 point
  4. I see this thread has stalled and I have noticed that its always Jodie who has the last word. So I thought I would stop by and say, Que pasa mi amigo's Como esta usted? I think you love to hate this Mike dude so why don't you take him out back behind the barn, and beat the crap out of him. And I bet you would love to give him a piece of your mind, and yank him up on a short leash and give him the what for. That would teach him to mess with Sasquatch, I'll tell ya what. The one thing smarter than a Big Foot Researcher ( other than a fifth grader) is a Sasquatch. The other day I was sitting on deck in my underwear working on the book, and I had a thought. And that thought was, almost everyone who read Autumn's book totally missed the whole point of the book. Some got it the first time they read it but most I think missed the point all together, and I don't understand why. It was printed in English it wasn't to long so to bore ya, it had big foot facts humor and a little insight into these guys. And you still missed the point by a mile, now why is that? did you skim through it just enough so you can say you read it? That way when you bad mouth Autumn the book or me you feel justified in doing so, or are you just closed minded? So with that in mind, why should I waste my time writing a book about my friend, knowing most of you will miss the point of it anyway. Maybe a pop up book is the answer, make it simple maybe put me in a yellow hat, I like yellow hats. Because this book will be detailed to the point that you could build a big guy if you could get the parts from China. I have been sharing the book (Enoch) with my friends and anyone who wants to learn about the Big Guys. As it turns out I didn't need to hide behind Autumn after all. When I talk to people and they see that I mean what I say they shut up and start to learn. And that's all I wanted in the first place I want you to learn about them before they are proven to exist. I sat in front of over fifty people the other night and we talked about the book and my life with the Big Guy's. I had no idea how much love and support I would get from everyone it was great, not like being on here where your treated like crap. Even though it's Autumn's book I was asked to sign twelve copies that night, it felt weird but cool. There were people there who changed their way of thinking about Big Foot and now believe they are real. People were telling of their own sightings and they seem relieved to have a place to do so. At the next meeting (yes we planed another meeting) I plan on showing some photos to let them see what I see every day. It all started at a diner, I was having supper with a friend and a couple next to us had a copy of Enoch and were discussing it. My friend said to them hey ya see this guy sitting here he's the guy in that book. That started a four hour conversation about the Big Guys, and what was great was that most of the people in the diner got into the conversation. Some of them called friends and family to come down and meet the Enoch man, and come they did, and some brought their copy of Enoch for me to sign. I have noticed that when I start talking about the Big Guys people stop what they are doing and listen. So now I don't mind it when people bring it up. I was just in the wrong place trying to share what I have, and people are less likely to call me a liar to my face. And they all said they understood why Autumn took me at my word and needed no proof. One lady told me that I talk about them like they were my family, I said that's cause they are my family. Now I know few of you will understand what I'm saying, but most won't and that's alright I don't mind. And if I'm right this should give you something to attack for a couple of days, glad I could help enjoy the feast. And yes I'm still in my underwear writing this I'm always in my underwear when I'm addressing you people, it keeps thing in perspective Smell Ya Later
    1 point
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