Art, thank you ever so much for your critique of my post. I understand your position, and I respect it. However I am not dictating here. Someone else has already
done that, by coming up with the guidlines to begin with. The same ones that we get reminded of everytime someone doesn't believe what we say. I am once again, not
defending or speaking for Swamp Bandit, or anyone else. The true-false, back and forth method he has presented would understandingly T off most folks. I don't
believe every word out of his mouth either. But doesn't anyone but me understand, he has deliberately ruined his credibility here? Not by accident, but by design.
Don't know why, don't care. I would think people were nuts if they agreed with everything everyone else said. But, it's the method by which the disagreements
happen here, (and rather often) that gripes me. Less manners, and more confrontation. Why is that? People certainly wouldn't present arguments to strangers in such
a manner if they were face to face. And even though it is the internet, for what this forum is supposed to be, a quantity of decorum would seem to be applicable
here.I don't care what someones view is, if it's presented to me in a mutually respectful manner, I have no problem whatsoever with it.
Once again, Just my opinion.-Knuck