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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/21/2011 in all areas

  1. As for me it's not about the disagreement it's the tone of the disagreement toward the other party if you will. I understand we're all different so I don't expect everyone to be like me nor do I think they're being rude just because they don't agree with me but I believe one can disagree strongly without being harsh while remaining respectful. We all disagree on things which is perfectly fine with me so there's no need to be hostile with someone about it. Plus posting that way doesn't help persuade people to one's way of thought nor do other people enjoy reading those posts. All it does is get people riled up where threads eventually get shut down then we all loose.
    2 points
  2. It doesn't matter to me what you think, If there is nobody here that you can trust, then you'll have to get out there and see for yourself. What you've heard in this thread is that an entire organization went and learned more in six weeks of field time than they did in 5 years putting out camera traps in that same place. If they are correct in their perceptions of what was going on, then they did learn what sounds they need to investigate in future trips there. Exactly what would you want to see as productive and verifiable? A dead specimen, Some photos of dark figures hiding behind tree's? This isn't like any animal you've ever delt with. I challenge you to give squatching an honest shot in the field, or wait on the physical proof, either will eventually settle it for you, and you won't have to be so suspicious of others. If you are going to start throwing anyone here in with the hoaxers, I think you should get to know them first.
    1 point
  3. Bet one of these could munch down a bigfoot, if only a small one. If he could catch one. http://www.imagegoss...ng-sheep-story/ The sticky fingers of frogs reminds me of something funny. As a kid in Africa we had a guest house on the mission made up of a group of mud huts. One of the huts was the bathroom, fitted up with a nice western style shower with pink curtains. We had little pink tree frogs that loved those plastic curtains and must have thought they were one big leaf. Every time we had a guest (especially a female one) we would hide behind the hut and wait for them to have a shower, when all 20 or so little pink frogs would jump at the same time on the unsuspecting naked person and pee on them in fright when they turned on the water. It still makes me laugh to remember the shrieks!
    1 point
  4. Really? I guess I missed that part of the Rules & Guidelines. Too much discussion of bigfoot related topics on a bigfoot discussion board for you, eh?
    1 point
  5. I don't think tracking is the way. if there is something to be learned from the operation endurance , its that if you camp In the right place , all you need to do is investigate the right audible sounds. to track down a squatch , you'd have to move faster than the track maker.
    1 point
  6. hey biped im doing good to great but this whole ongoing situation is getting realy twisted everyday etc to be continued
    1 point
  7. Here ya go, Richard:
    1 point
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