It doesn't matter to me what you think, If there is nobody here that you can trust, then you'll have to get out there and see for yourself. What you've heard in this thread is that an entire organization went and learned more in six weeks of field time than they did in 5 years putting out camera traps in that same place. If they are correct in their perceptions of what was going on, then they did learn what sounds they need to investigate in future trips there. Exactly what would you want to see as productive and verifiable? A dead specimen, Some photos of dark figures hiding behind tree's? This isn't like any animal you've ever delt with. I challenge you to give squatching an honest shot in the field, or wait on the physical proof, either will eventually settle it for you, and you won't have to be so suspicious of others. If you are going to start throwing anyone here in with the hoaxers, I think you should get to know them first.