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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/2011 in all areas

  1. Absolutely, the same Guys that go to Africa & kill Male Lions & Bull Elephants.. We're dealing with a very different Beast here though, clearly.
    1 point
  2. Your link is to a gallery of "hypothetical" renderings. They are to offer a starting point for a witness, to begin a more accurate description. Travers will work with a witness to alter the starting sketch to get it right. So you are grossly misrepresenting those images. Same as with the assumption that the EP image is suppose to represent what he has on film and derrived from the mask. You can't use assumptions like that to infer or bolster a suspicion. How do I know some guy isn't making masks to match various pieces of art which may or may not correspond to a genuine forensic sketch or film image so that people like you could infer that the reverse occured and someone hoaxed with the mask?
    1 point
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