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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2011 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. Yikes... The funny thing about this is that Derek is one of the most likeable folks involved in this field. Having hung out with him a few times, I can promise you that he's not arrogant or condescending. We all know that context and intention gets completely lost when reading text. Without hearing the inflection in someone's voice, or seeing the expression on their face, things get a bit lost. Derek is a humble and funny dude. Great sense of humor, very generous, and fun to be around. I assure you if you spent time with him in person you'd have the same impression. Jodie, I'll bet you're a fun person to be around, too. I enjoyed the narrative voice of your blog, and I am a bit partial to South Carolina; I've spent a lot of time there (I grew up in Northeast Georgia). I'm sure you're an exemplary South Carolinian. I would wager that if most of the people who post here met in person, discussions and exchanges would be much different. I would like to think that they would be more friendly, patient, humble, and civil. Civility is paramount in this research. It's also rare. That's a shame.
    1 point
  3. I think "we" don't give them near enough credit...or give ourselves way too much. If they are so dull witted, & "we" so intelligent, why haven't "we" been able to even prove that they exist?
    1 point
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