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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/2011 in all areas

  1. We have been over this ground before, and you know my stance on it, but I'll elaborate for the other readers here. If poachers were able to exploit Sasquatch in such a way as you describe they would already be doing so currently. In fact that is probably how a "discovery" would come about. Somebody buys a body part off of the black market and get's lucky and takes it to the right people. I flatly reject that if a bear poacher who is harvesting gall bladders in the woods runs across a Squatch that the Squatch is somehow safer because he is unrecognized to science. Without recognition there is no management plan in place for the species.........there is no federal funds to help preserve habitat and finally there is no legal framework to combat destruction of habitat. If a dam or a bridge is to be built? The specific needs of each impacted species is weighed and calculated, if your not a recognized species? Too bad for you, your needs are not even considered. Ultimately I feel the greatest danger to this species isn't a gun.......it's the bulldozer.
    1 point
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