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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/2011 in all areas

  1. Isn't this a subjective statement? Wouldn't you say that, to one who has faced a bigfoot, the existence of bigfoot is fact? To me, what I wrote is factual. I did, however, preface it with "Based on reports..." simply to avoid this sort of criticism. There is a fundamental dichotomy within this forum. There are those who have had encounters and are past the question of their existence. They've moved on to subjects predicated by their existence. Others on the forum are skeptical, and view such discussions as unfounded extrapolation. Makes for some interesting interactions.
    1 point
  2. Prag, to echo Jodie you have not not sufficiently explained the mechanism by which Bigfoot will become easier to find (especially for amateurs) after discovery. There's not an automatic connection between the confirmation of a bipedal primate on one continent and its presence on another. Some of your posts sound unecessarily alarmist to me and even a little paranoid.
    1 point
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