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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/04/2011 in all areas

  1. It sounds to me like it would be illegal to go out with the intent to shoot a bigfoot in California. Shooting one on accident or self defense may be another story. I don't know what that would be legally speaking. Shooting it for science doesn't sound to me like it would be legally defensible. The fine probably wouldn't be that much but it might mean that you also lose legal possession of the animal. There might be other penalties as well. California regulations: link
    1 point
  2. I don't see anything in the rules that says RRS can't debunk, dehoax, & de-lie to his heart's content. Have at it! I think a lot of better BF experts than you have listened to & looked at everything I have said & posted here (which I think is probably considerably more than you have), with a microscope, & so far, nobody has even hinted that they can show any part of it that might even appear to be a hoax. (I can't see, hear, or believe it doesn't count as dehoaxing, in case you haven't heard). Tracked was supposedly "debunked" for just posting a picture (with the copyright plainly showing) & accused of claiming it was his. Is that the best you dehoaxers can do? If you spent a tenth as much time out looking for your own proof, as you do here criticizing people that are, things might be going a lot faster. Anyway, all rules considered, you have my blessing to start dehoaxing me immediately.
    1 point
  3. Lately, I just say whatever I want to say and let the chips fall where they may, it's seems to be the best approach. One man's bully will always be another man's champion, it just depends on your perspective.
    1 point
  4. While proof of the Big Man is just around the corner, I have been pondering on how to take advantage of such a discovery. I have questioned my morals and came to the conclusion that, I should be the first to start a pay site of Sasquatchian porn. To all of my friends in this forum, I will be changing my call sign to Pimpsquatch. Please do not think of stealing my idea, as I have already mailed my idea, to myself (Poor Mans Patent !) Think of the possibilities...... 1) Adult Toys ( Squatchanator 2000) or blow up (Yetti betty) will keep you wood knocking at all hours. 2) Fragrance ( Yowie wowwy!) Did you know that Skunk oil is an ingrediant in most toiletries? 3) Sports drink (SAS) -------> Thirsty ? put some SAS in your A%s! 4) Even liquid paper (Squatch out) DNA cant prove it was there. Regards, Maximus
    1 point
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