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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/05/2011 in all areas

  1. I agree with that but that isn't the same thing as the state of California giving someone in a university permission to shoot one for science after they were verified which I took as the premise of the thread. I was pretty much complaining how I doubt the penalty would be sufficient to stop poaching without some serious new laws. Someone without official permission could always claim they were threatened by it. The state and the federal government would have to take serious steps to remove the possible financial rewards of shooting one and that would include giving it to a university to study. I would want it studied in a university so it would be something difficult to put into effect. Even now, they could probably legally confiscate the body. That would be a minimum fist step. There are all sorts of other penalties I could imagine that would discourage poaching. They would need to make examples out people that collected one for science as well as those that tried to do it for personal gain.
    1 point
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