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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2011 in all areas

  1. I don't regard hallucinations as a high probability. People who have halucinations are the only ones who would know, and they usually do know if they did. I don't think people who know they had a hallucination would report what their mind saw as a physical reality. They tend to seek medical advice instead. Evidence for hallucinations are purely anecdotal, and there is no way to prove whether they did or didn't if that was their claim. If they claim to have seen a physical entity then evidence and proof can be found to confirm it. One has an avenue for investigation and the other is a dead end. Only assumptions can be made for the probability of a halucination, and if one wants to dismiss the report based on assumption they could do that for all of them, dispatch with any investigation and never resolve the issue.
    1 point
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