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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2011 in all areas

  1. Blackdog I remember you from before, not without regret. I disagree with the assertion that I have abused anyone, though I will admit to abstaining from the usual reverence where certain people are concerned. In the one instance where I was judged to have insulted someone, I was guilty of using an excess of florid imagery to suggest that someone had buried their head in the sand -- fairly benign as insults go IMHO. And I note that this sentiment has subsequently been broadcast as a general concern without censure. So shame on me for directing it at a particular person. I agree with your characterization that Saskeptic and RayG are representative of the 'good skeptic' for the most part. I just think they have a little too much faith in the transcendent power of science. Perhaps they should re-read The Structure of Scientific Revolutions to remind themselves of what it takes to overcome a paradigm that has ossified?
    1 point
  2. Frustrating, isn't it? Reading all of these theoretical arguments going back and forth when you've had that singular experience that reveals the reality of the matter. Sadly, I think that when someone suggests that every one of 5000 reports on a database is fraudulent or mistaken, it's a waste of time for any of us who have had face-to-face encounters to offer them as evidence. They need to see one for themselves.
    1 point
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