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  1. I don't think DR.K. should play this petty game with these folks. If some blog wants to post just anyones speculations with no verification , then it will soon enough bury any cred the blog had to begin with. How Fasano would have any relevant info about Ketchums paper is beyond me.
    1 point
  2. Gosh where to start with this? I actually took the time to read everyone's well thought out responses, including the terse ones. I think for one, there is some confusion regarding what is meant by the UFO/Bigfoot connection. It is not that the there are that many reports of bigfoot in association with a craft, but that bigfoot are seen in the same areas as UFO hotspots. I can attest to that in my own area. I never heard or saw anything of the aerial kind that was unidentified until I moved here 4 years ago, and just by coincidence, I suspect, but have no proof that I also have bigfoot activity going on sporadically. Now make of that what you will. I'm not ignoring that fact, I just can't do anything about the UFO stuff other than take a picture when it randomly happens. So far, I happened to just be outside smoking or in bed when both the significant incidences happened with no camera in hand expecting to see anything. The bigfoot issue is an ongoing work in progress. I think I'll need to wait until spring before I see any more sign of them, nothing has happened since October. UFO's- I'm a big fan of folding space time since I think there is a crucial element missing that ties gravity, time, matter, yada yada all together, probably a bit more complicated than string theory. I look at the old Vedic texts for clues regarding physics since I'm of the belief that we have had previous advanced civilizations in the last 200,000 years that we have supposedly been here, no thanks to aliens. We did it on our own IMO. There is only one source of 99% pure copper in the world and that is located in Michigan. Raw copper of the same purity and traced back to this area has been found in India and Egypt going backing many thousands of years. It had to get there some how, that is just one example for why I think something tragic happened about 9-10,000 years ago that nearly destroyed us. That said, I have also seen a floating life form similar to a jelly fish that I think is commonly mistaken for extraterrestrials. The only UFO reports I give much credence to are those that are close up enough to see details that enable the witness to distinguish whether it is an artificial craft versus something biological. There aren't that many of the up close and personal UFO reports. Same with bigfoot, I tend to pay more attention to the up close encounters more than I do the brief road side glimpses where it would be easy to misidentify the creature. So unless you have reports of close encounters of the third kind for both bigfoot and UFO's ( as in extraterrestrials) in the same general vicinity, I believe it would be very hard to make any kind of concrete connection between the two. On a side bar, regarding the intelligence thing, I do think we are biased in how we define intelligence. I look at the cetaceans as an example of intelligence equal to ours, but because their environment is so different, it went in a different direction. They actually have an extra lobe in their brain. I believe an advanced alien race would be able to recognize multiple versions of advanced intelligence and would study all of them if they were here for us, but I have not heard of whales, dolphins, or other primates being seen by abductees. If aliens are here, we are just the local Shell station IMO. For those interested in cetacean communication there is a theory that the dolphins are possibly communicating in signals that portray multiple concepts at once in the form of pictures rather than the unilateral way we do with words. If you want an idea of how bigfoot will be received if found to be a sentient creature, the first article below will give you an idea, the other two articles relate to dolphin language. http://aaas.confex.com/aaas/2010/webprogram/Session1526.html http://www.labspaces.net/109949/Real_life_Aquamen_use_fMRI_to_understand_dolphin_speech http://speakdolphin.com/ResearchItems.cfm?ID=20
    1 point
  3. In all sincerity, why is it someone else's responsibility to secure evidence so you can be satisfied?
    1 point
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