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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2011 in all areas

  1. Define UFO ... because that's a problem here People generally immediately assume it means ship with occupants - WRONG What most people see in Bigfoot territory are anomalous lights in either the sky or the forest. In my case and with several others I have spoken to, we are observing spheres of plasma like pure energy, which navigates the atmosphere with intelligence. There is definitely a correlation between these plasma sphere's and active bigfoot territory. What type of linkage one could assign to this, is in the realm of speculation. The plasma spheres technically are UFO's, but clearly they are not metallic ships with ET's inside, though they do possess intelligences. All of which leads to another problem ... Define Extraterrestrial ....
    2 points
  2. We don't have to be critical to the extreme on questionable evidence because it's all questionable and it will shut the entire search completely down. When somebody pulls a mask off a dead Bigfoot in a freezer that's a different story but to be critical of everything questionable makes us no better than anti bigfooters.
    1 point
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