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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2012 in all areas

  1. If i'm not mistaken the " other one " has been seen to be still in the area in the ensuing months via footprints with some bigger footprints in the vicinity too. If i'm not mistaken the " other one " has been seen to be still in the area in the ensuing months via footprints with some bigger footprints in the vicinity too.
    2 points
  2. Been having trouble logging in sense my last post. Ill try to get caught up. I didnt know people were still listening to Rick dyer. apparently he still enjoys making stuff up. I hear he has a very long history of such things. I guess we have to decide whether to believe him or Derek. Tough one........ he can take his "million" dollars and kick rocks or buy some teeth or fix that speech impediment. I hear no one takes him serious anyways. OK I will try an get caught up later. My wife barrowed a DVD player from her sister and rented hangover 2
    1 point
  3. How can we believe anything that this guy says when it has been proven he has lied.This is a Fact!
    1 point
  4. Does it really matter? Is any establishment journal going to publish DNA research that attempts to support the existence of Bigfoot? THAT will be the headline, not that she's had a sighting herself.
    1 point
  5. Yeah, and researchers can learn so much from the shows if they would just watch and listen to him. AP carried one of his old shows just before the first new show of the season came on. Had not seen that old show. I learned that MM himself was the first person to discover BF uses tree knocks to communicate with each other. Wow; that was news to me and a LOT of other folks! And he discounted the testimony of a witness who gave a pretty good, close-up description of a very large BF that had thrown (or pushed over) a big tree behind him. MM's reason for discounting the report? The witness said it didn't have a black nose. MM KNOWS all BF have black noses. Holy cow; I didn't know that either! His true worth as the director of activities for that show is pretty well displayed when a BF answers one of their calls, and he sends two or three team members plus a cameraman running through the woods toward the location of the response to catch the BF by surprise and photograph it. If they every catch up to one like that, that will surely surprise a lot of folks too. As made pretty clear in the new show, maybe all they have to do after getting a response is to sit down, turn off the lights, shut their mouths, and they might get some real interesting sounds on their recorders. I suspect most of the close-up BF sounds would be overridden by human language that would have to be bleeped out anyway. And I suppose the wait would be too boring for him and the viewer to do it that way. Folks have gotten kind of hooked on those excited, "DID YOU HEAR THAT???" teasers. But MM gets paid well; that's the main thing. And it is an entertaining show, to say the least.
    1 point
  6. But SSQ has a point. When it comes to the use of deadly force...if in doubt, you don't do it. What I got out of the interview was a lot of doubt in Justin's mind. By his own words he's been second-guessing himself ever since. And judging by his words, I don't think he would do the same thing again. Resolving doubt after a traumatic event can sometimes be life altering. Jodie is right in that most people don't know what they will do until the event presents itself. Shooting 'monsters' is clearly outside the response repertoire of most people.
    1 point
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