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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2012 in all areas

  1. I just hope you're not foolish enough to hike in heavily hunted areas during hunting season without a blaze orange vest and hat.
    1 point
  2. So this is how it is going to be? Some one finally shoots one of these creatures and now there is all this remorse.Well I sure hate to see when they finally bring a body that has been shot.Sure you can say I am defending General and I still believe that he knows he made a mistake. No one knows what goes through a person mind when you see these creatures,You make one mistake and then you another mistake.Sure that does not justify what he did but it happen.So what is going to happen when some one does bring in that body ,then what ?we are going to rip them a new but hole.He seems to being the right thing by coming forth on what he did and he did sound remorsefull for what happen.He sure as heck not happy about this but it happen. So why should we be just as bad by now treating him like a criminal.What happen is done and we cannot change that.But because of what happen we now have DNA and the DNA is not the first and i am sure it will not be the last.You can bet i have deeply thought about shooting one with my bow but I know better that i will not survive the out come.Like i have said I would have to be defending my self and that would be my only way.So far they(the creatures) have not shown any aggression towards me .They have been mad with me but is my fault for hunting on thier turf. Besides the NDA's he has been very open with his encounters.He could have swept this under the rug and never speak of this.But he did come forward and in my opionion that makes it ok in my book. Mark
    1 point
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