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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2012 in all areas

  1. Only if said newcomer is aware of the new definition. If someone is unaware of the meaning of 'sasquatch' or 'yowie', using a new word isn't going to clear up the confusion. Instead of spending time defining and then disseminating a unique word to encompass all reported BHM's(Big Hairy Monsters) no matter how varied the description, why not just educate people about their local creatures and how those creatures may or may not be related to others around the globe? Ironic, then, that someone who avoids labeling things advocates lumping all types under one label which you admit will likely be inadequate without further refinement. Admittedly, I'm not sure I fully understand your second sentence in this quote. Whaaa...? Seems self-contradictory. You want to group different creatures under one name so people will better understand how they're the same yet different? The whole idea seems like a solution looking for a problem.
    1 point
  2. I gave you the point for setting up the request for a suggestion as to why BF would avoid gamecams if they knew what they were and then ridicule the suggestions with the red herring of Janice Carter. Pretty cool of you. I thought it was you that made the big deal of never using fallacious arguments, yet you don't have a problem using ridicule to make my suggestion look silly. Do you know there aren't people out there somewhere communicating with them? Would it have to be a Janice Carter or could it be someone who hasn't written a book about it. If I were them I would have a system of communications through messengers. Could that explain the single BF that are seen traveling cross country in places you wouldn't think they would be? You see Saskeptic I look at things differently than you because I know they exist. I see a lack of 'Glamour Shot' photos and I wonder "How do they do that?" not whether it must mean they don't exist. I assume they are intelligent enough to "think critically" about what they see and learn how to avoid our attempts. It's possible they do it just because they can. Knowing they exist and not really being interested in proving that to you or anyone else frees me up to just try to learn what I can about them, just for the fun of learning something new.
    1 point
  3. An inch or so to 1.5 is about average; especially for a black bear sow. http://www.dnr.state.md.us/huntersguide/BearHunt_Planning.asp Belly dragger Boars 400 to 500 lbs plus, will leave behind the coke cans. :] Not a typical find. Edit to add: http://www.bowhuntnorth.com/html/articles/bear-facts/the-bear-facts.html
    1 point
  4. Parn, you got pwned... :lol:
    1 point
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