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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/14/2012 in all areas

  1. It is a pathetic tactic to paint all who are participating in this study with the broad brush of past hoaxers. It wouldn't take thirty years would it? Nothing would be stopping you from collecting some hoopa samples today. I'm sure Disotell would test them for the polymorphisms for you. Why would you not do it before someone makes these imaginary millions? And with H. Sapiens samples no less. Do you really think people would pay millions ? Where's your faith in science? Will you reject science if they find Ketchums work confirms a unigue species of hominid?
    3 points
  2. Well I'm about tired of that excuse that the DNA is from the Hoopa Tribe. They do have the sequence cataloged somewhere because The U.S. government recognizes the tribe. In order to claim to be a member of the tribe to receive any benefits you have to have your DNA parentage tested and compared to establish yourself as a member of the tribe if the geneology is not clear. http://www.hoopa-nsn.gov/documents/Hoopa%20Enrollment%20Packet.pdf As for GenBank, They don't store the sequences as one intact genome but as different identified segments in different files for comparison. This info is from 2001, I'm sure the library is much larger now. A portion of human DNA is stored in the PRI division, which contains (as of this writing) 13 library files, for a total of almost 3.5 GB of data. Human data is also stored in the STS, GSS, HTGS, and HTC divisions. Human data alone in GenBank makes up almost 5 million record entries with over 8 trillion bases of sequence. http://oreilly.com/catalog/begperlbio/chapter/ch10.html
    1 point
  3. Who is to say that BF isn't being caught on game camera's? Not everybody would want to stir up a media frenzy, nor would they want the attention. To many people, it would be a no win situation. Everybody would want to know where is was, then everybody would want to go there and would do anything (legal or illegal) to access the property. So much for my happy hunting grounds, or there goes the neighborhood. I know the flip side of this view would be that there are many people using game camera's exclusively for the purpose of catching BF. So why aren't they getting them? Maybe some are and aren't interested in all of the hoopla that would result. Their own personal BF in an odd sort of way. This point of view may get shot full of holes, but it is a moving target. How many people out there are content to prove to themselves that BF exists, smiling knowingly when the subject of "do they or don't they exist" comes up?
    1 point
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