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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2012 in all areas

  1. I think it's been a little over three years since the first sample peaked her interest. If that sample was from Paulides, then it was sent in probably around mid 2008 or earlier, and that might not have went anywhere if there wasn't some backing in the NABS organization funding the testing from the beginning. Dr. K reportedly had to develope new primers and protocols just to get at that DNA. So that took some time just getting the ball rolling. Then there was the Destination truth "yeti" sample coming in sometime in 2009. Then the Erickson project and the Olympic Project sending in samples. 2010 must have been a frenzy of samples and money being spent , and word getting out to the more independent researchers bringing in even more samples. The project would have needed some structure for the screening, then a good plan for the sequencing, sending them out to other labs in blind testing with specific targets to be sequenced identified in preliminary results. The shear amount of data eminating from potentially dozens of unique specimens could conceivably far surpass even what was provided for Denisova. So it makes sense to me that Dr. Ketchum says she's overkilled this thing, she really doesn't want to leave any doubt.
    1 point
  2. Sudden flush? Where have you been? Paulides spoke of a bone going on what, a year and a half ago? This stuff has been in the open for some time, and has probably always been easy enough to find, but not so easy to prove before skeptical assumptions sent the stuff to the trash bin , repatriated, or some obscure drawer in a museum.. It just might be easier to find than to get a clear photo. BTW photo's look like a guy in a suit, or haven't you figured that out yet. PS. You never know Sask, maybe the photo did come first.
    1 point
  3. I do not dislike the show but I wonder about how good or useful their approach is to actually finding anything? Like in last night's episode from Minnesota, they had Bobo out in the woods looing only to find that the reported sightings were in a totally different area. Why not find out where the sightings clustered before doing the big camp out? And why not spend more than 3 days in 1 location? Ultimately I think something set up more like Survivorman would be more productive. Get one person into an area and keep him there for some period of time. I also wonder that since, at least in the episode last night, the encounteres reported were closer to town (looking in a window, alongside a jogging trail, etc.) why they do not stake out those areas more. Instead they say well he was seen here in this field looking into this trailer... so we will go wayyyyyyyyyyy out there and look.
    1 point
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