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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2012 in all areas

  1. To imagine they are anything other than sophisticated and systematic is absurd! To imagine a bunch of tall chimps evading us for centuries is absurd as well. Did you ever wonder why the Gorilla Coco, once taught our language, never really had anything to say? She was polite and had decorum. She also had a breast fetish. Her son, unfettered by these considerations never talked at all, until heis Mother's death. Then he said a few things and never spoke again, except to order lunch. Other intelligences do not regaurd us as godlike. They mostly think we are idiots. Why would a genius group bother with us? Do they think we will stop ruining the landscape if asked? No, they think we are out of control idiots with no thought process. The only time a human will encounter a BF is when they are sought out for a demonstration. Most sightings are display behaviour. An anecdote; my cat, who was a large male, when chastised would pretend to yawn and stretch his paw. So, he'd show his teeth and claws and dismiss human input. Alligators frequently surface when threatened, to show thier size. As with BFs, that is usually enough. Why do these massive creatures, possessed of enormous strength show such restraint? Mama bears are reputed to simplify a situation by removing the human element. Why don't BFs simply tear the occasional human apart and strew them from the trees? Os steal a baby and consume it on the spot? Listen to the "911" call. The caller relates how his dog had been killed earlier, before the BF displays himself. This is the kind of thing I am talking about. If you set your dog on me, I would look you up, too, but I wouldn't just glare through a window. The BF, his point made, left it at that. This isn't the work of chimps or gorillas. If anything, they show more brains than us. They think we are stupid. How else to explain thier actions? They aren't shy. They do not fear us physically. They don't want our stuff. They simply have no use for us. We are an annoyance to them, treated gently like an idiot child. What do humans look like to them? We pride ourselves claiming we ran off all intruders, using our superior reasoning abilities. This is how far science has come, we still shake our spears and cry fircely into the unknown! In fact, I put it to you, that we didn't do any such thing. What we actually evolved was babes. How else to explain why evolution would make us smaller and hairless in relation to the competition? Our innovation was blondes with superb bodies. All the rest of the things we have done is compensating. This also addresses our utterly bizarre behaviour regaurding our females, that survives into the modern era. Burkhas, for example, or female circumsision cannot be attributed to anything practical. If you do not understand where this places us on the importance scale, visit a peeler bar and see how the bikers treat the dancers. We are the dancers. After you have had your fill of derision, visit a university. Find a scholastic and disagree with him. You will quickly uncover kindergarden behaviour before the learned person dismisses your contribution with disdain and rhetoric. Do you suppose the scholar, once offended will ever seek your council? BFs are the scholars in this analogy. Instead of asking why not, in regaurd to the question of contact, I suggest the question ought to be Why?
    1 point
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ObDgBLFo9w Video of a monkey swimming and diving under water:
    1 point
  3. Perhaps it has something to do with airspeed velocity and whether said swallow is African or European. Per MP;
    1 point
  4. Unless you're one to enjoy kidney stones.
    1 point
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