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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2012 in all areas

  1. That one is mine. Our car was REALLY close to it, and I was surprised I didn't hit it, but it happened REALLY fast too. I think putting the car into a skid made me miss it. I don't know exactly what I saw, but I know what it sort of looked like! I've found many old stories of them interacting with carriages and cars. Here's a couple I could find quickly. I also found one from Georgia 1955 which mentions hair being tested at a lab and coming back human! tirademan
    1 point
  2. lol, I find it amusing how someone can read my response and think that it doesn't come down to intelligence that separates us. It is pretty simple to just pretend that we are special and completely separate but you have to ignore basic biology and/or common sense to do that. The differences come down to language skills and greater intelligence. Anything else is just wishful thinking. There is obviously a range of how close they are to us or what you define as human unless you think an ape just gave birth to a human one day or do you just reject biology all together? You are the one that defined the question as if there was a sudden change which doesn't really make sense if you accept basic biology. I am sorry you didn't get that or just chose to mock it. DNA can prove this assuming they are a different species. It is really basic biology and shouldn't need the countless repetition.
    1 point
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