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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2012 in all areas

  1. Yeesh, hope some of you don't dislocate your shoulders patting yourselves on your own backs.
    2 points
  2. Jerrywayne, I believe in giving credit where credit is due but misplaced sycophancy is unbecoming to anyone.
    1 point
  3. I did, too, back about 15 months ago. I believe I said something to the effect of "Talking, cigarette smoking, clothes wearing, HUMAN." Neener, neener, & all that stuff.
    1 point
  4. I don't believe any film would be enough. It's too easy to just say this is a clever or not so clever hoax. People want some "hypothetically" credible investigator to go to the spot where it is filmed , establish the size of every object in the scene, refilm a meme in the same spot, with the same camera and settings, They want the persons name who filmed it and every detail of his personal life mapped on a spreadsheet for the previous ten years, then argue for decades about how the investigator didn't get something right, their measurements can't be proven , their conclusions are biased and flawed because they are proponents, the filmographer didn't do something logical blah blah blah................. Yes , seeing a real bigfoot on film would be great, but you'll never be able to say you know 100% they exist by looking at a film, even with all the details behind it. Such films would only do better "after" the biological existence question is irrevocably settled.
    1 point
  5. What is remarkably consistent is that so many offer really bad evidence, be it blurry photos or video, print casts open to interpretation, droppings that may or may not be bear, audio that is inconclusive at best, etc... And when that evidence is weighed and found wanting because we never see the actual money shot, we are told "Well I've got much better evidence, but since you've been so mean as to tell me this evidence is inconclusive, I won't show you the really good stuff." We keep getting the same excuses from some of the same folks. While their stories could be true, they certainly give no reason to believe them. In the end, I just file the stories as entertainment. I'll be pleasantly surprised if any of them actually pony up the "good" evidence, and even more pleasantly surprised if that evidence is actually better, much less definitive.
    1 point
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