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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/25/2012 in all areas

  1. I usually just read this thread, since DNA studies are far outside my expertise and I wisely don't pretend otherwise. But what I wish to comment on is human nature and the complexities of science or research trying to function in a media driven world. I do not have any "inside information" at to how powerful, sweeping or earth-shattering this final report will be. But everything I do know about the event, both public discussion and private discussions, suggests to me this event is a sincere effort to do something unpresidented (used in the manner that the event is not common and thus common procedures do not suffice or apply) and that the principles, especially Dr. Ketchum, are making a good faith effort to navigate uncharted waters. The talk about her lawyers, the often described NDA from hell, this recent spate of DVD media comments and the various gossiping about people hooking up or breaking away, all of it appears to me as people here just trying to reinforce their own biased agendas. She and the people connected with her effort are likely having to improvise some of the steps in their process, simply because of the potential for this endeavor to rock so many boats (depending on the form it finally takes) and people walking a new path make occasional mis-steps in the process. Add to that the fact that real life is messy and imperfect, and these can easily account for the conflicting reports and announcements, the delays, and the somewhat erratic way partial bits of information get released. Maybe we should just dial down the speculation and the rush to declare ourselves winners of the betting pool, and simply let Ms. Ketchum and her team do their work, and when something is released, we take a hard look at that reality instead of rampant fantasies and apparitions we see in the factual bits and pieces that occasionally surface. If it's for real, it'll surface in proper form at the appropriate time. if it's a big con, the people involved will themselves try to hype it up to make it fly. So if I may offer my personal advice, let the principles do their thing, and let us simply observe and be patient, with no expectation. I think it's our fabricating our own expectations and talking them up which is churning the water to a muddy mess where nobody is seeing clearly. My two cents. I'll go back to observing and being patient, with no expectation. Bill
    6 points
  2. What's up, "Squatchy" been telling you some whoppers..??
    1 point
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