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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/29/2012 in all areas

  1. Take it home? And what exactly would I do with it when I got it home? I have seen the damage a young monkey can do to a room I don't even want to think of the strength of a young bigfoot. I would love to say that I would try to observe the baby BF from a distance and make sure no predators killed it. The only catch to this is trying to observe the baby BF while being afraid that a parent BF is observing me ready to remove my head from my shoulders. I'd take pictures. Even though no one would think they were real I would know. I would observe as long as possible but eventually I would have to leave it there. There are SO many problems with the theory of taking it home. How to care for a BF, how quickly it would grow, the media circus once anyone found out (and they would), the law, the government, freaks trying to break in to steal it or kill it. I just don't see any good coming from taking the baby BF out of the woods even if it were possible to do so without adult BFs killing you.
    1 point
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