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  1. I thought I'd clear a few things up as some of you might be understandably confused when they read my recent article and were surprised I was pessimistic in regards to the DNA study, while Derek (who's obviously my close friend/colleague) is much more optimistic. First, as briefly mentioned, I'm not under NDA, nor privy to any preliminary results (though I respect & adhere to many of the terms of the NDA out of respect for my friends involved). I like it that way as when it comes to this field especially, I'm extremely conservative & cautious (though I know these animals exist from personal experience, those that really know me know, I think 80+% of this field is BS) & I always prefer to take a "cup half empty" approach and maybe, just maybe.... get pleasantly surprised. However, if I knew what Derek does, I might have a different opinion as I've become more confident in the alleged event happening as stated due to the relationship I've developed with both of the boys. I feel strongly from my perspective, having been concerned from day one with the circumstantial manner in which the flesh sample was collected & Meldrum's initial opinion on site (limited examination) in which I'd defer to him in regards to expected & anticipated hair morphological differences and deviations, that to try and be as non-biased a researcher as possible, (admittedly hard sometimes) I must block out any positive leaked info I hear and just focus on what I see (red flag-wise) & experience with my own eyes. I'd suggest anyone & everyone do the same when it comes to anything to do with this respective field. Having said all that, I'm of course hoping all goes well and as mentioned on Derek's recent interview, there does in fact exist potential non-circumstantial evidence that's remained untested and there's **** good reasons for that I can't get into right now. I assure you it will be tested eventually (preferably "blind" if I have my way) and is being appropriately preserved since reaching our custody. In the interim, I can promise you a few things (sorry it's not much), regardless of what Derek or myself agree or disagree on (we agree on much, trust me... and I give him a lot of credit for recognizing the potential in this alleged shooting event & having the guts to pursue it), I assure you both of us care only in trying to do the right things & most importantly... about the "truth" and will go wherever "truth" leads us..... with no fear. So to summarize in a nutshell, for those confused about where I stand exactly after reading my recent internet article on our July 2011 "recovery effort" & correcting some false information out there- 1) Although he doesn't need me defending him, If truth does matter to you......Meldrum was absolutely correct & accurate in his statements regarding his participation in the body recovery effort & initial examination of the sample. At "NO TIME" did Meldrum make presumptuous or positive statements in support of the sample based on his initial observations, nor did any other person present during that particular examination for that matter. He was professional, patient, disciplined & sincere in both methodology and sharing of his opinion(s) based on morphology deviations recognized by him while analyzing the hair under magnification. The examination was documented on video and although I'm unsure if and when that will be publicly released (not my property) I assure you that my information will be 100% confirmed when it is. 2) My story about Justin's complete interactions with the CA-DFG is 100% accurate as I was there and involved or advised him for everything other then their unannounced daytime visit in which he contacted me immediately after in a concerned state. I believe this issue with DFG is dead as of now and truthfully I'm disappointed as I would've liked to have this incident on record and Justin was ready to walk in there and formally tell his story if they were still interested in hearing it. 3) My concerns regarding Melba Ketchum's anticipated study are based on the limited information I have, what "I" (my researcher hat) see as "potential" red flags based on her actions, or lack thereof up to this point, and of course is only "MY" subjective opinion in which I really hope I end up being dead wrong with some of my personal, and some would argue, "paranoid" (LOL) concerns. 4) My support and confidence in the Sierra shootings story (which is again, only "MY" subjective opinion and not something I would ever attempt to shove down somebody else's throat) and the parties directly involved, is based solely on my countless interactions with them over many personal interviews with themselves and their respective families. I will say that after leaving the body recovery effort last July I was intrigued and open to it, but still highly unconvinced at that point. From a personal standpoint, I'll share with you that what eventually got me over the top into the 90% area of believing this event did in fact happen, was overhearing an intimate & detailed conversation between both Justin and the driver about "that day" under circumstances in which they had absolutely no possible way in hell of knowing I was eavesdropping on them...and I guarantee they still don't know when that was. I've also noted minor inconsistencies in their stories in which I'd absolutely expect from both stress & two different perspectives (and experiences, as you'll recall, they did get temporarily separated). The inconsistencies consist of minor details and "timing" based more on their perceptions, not "facts" or major details. If there wasn't minor deviations between their stories present, I'd be more concerned of their stories potentially having been rehearsed. But again, it doesn't matter what my subjective opinion is about the story being real or not, if the evidence (flesh and or non-circumstantial) doesn't end up backing their story it all becomes anecdotal...period. May've happened, may not have, it wouldn't matter because it won't be proven at that point, nor have a chance to. Although I'm confident, could I be wrong....yes of course I could, I wasn't standing there with them that day as I can only guarantee what I've personally experienced in my own life. I will also say that at this point, if I was on the outside looking in and periodically following the story, not having the information and or experiences I've had with my involvement, I would be highly suspicious and take a "wait and see" approach on everything regarding this alleged incident or any incident like it for that matter. From my standpoint, I'd have some confidence (if I was on the outside) knowing the character of both Derek and Wally, both of whom I have a lengthy trust and respect relationship with I cherish...but that would be from my perspective only, "knowing them personally." As far as I'm concerned, Derek has done a tremendous job at this point while walking a very, very fine line (remember he never asked for this to prematurely become public). His job, as a volunteer investigator for a subject he's passionate about, is to assess viability of the claimed incident & get the alleged evidence in for appropriate processing, deferring to the assigned, chosen, or in this case, "available expert" for examination. He has..... and in my opinion, the ball is now in "her" court, so let's see how it plays out.
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