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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2012 in all areas

  1. But even if all reports are true up to this point, it doesn't mean that one can't be false tomorrow does it ? The truth of this, whether you or anyone else want to believe it or not i don't really care, but the truth is that some reports are true, and some aren't and i would bet you anything you want that that is the truth of it. Just like in virtually everything in life, it comes down to majorities & minorities. If i had to sway one way with regards to this subject, i would say the majority of sightings would be true & the minority wouldn't be. I would also so that the majority of Class B reports that we get are not Sasquatch related at all, but the minority were..
    1 point
  2. As someone who describes himself as a "skeptical hopeful", I always love this question! In my opinion: Do a lot of people lie about seeing Bigfoot? - Yes Do mentally ill people hallucinate about seeing Bigfoot? - Yes Do people misidentify another animal as Bigfoot? - Yes Do high school kids dress up in Bigfoot costumes and make honest people think they have seen Bigfoot? - Yes Do some in the hopeful crowd will themselves to "see" Bigfoot? - Yes Do people put on fake feet to make other people think they saw the tracks of Bigfoot? - Yes Do lonely people say they saw Bigfoot for something to talk about with a researcher or on line? - Yes BUT... Do I believe that many average, rational people - some of whom I consider good friends - have actually observed something that can only be described as a large hairy bipedal primate? (skeptical side of my brain currently in a raging internal battle the hopeful side of my brain..POW! BLAM! KA-CHOW! ) YES! And it drives me bonkers! Bart C put it best methinks, when he said something along the lines that "80% of this field is BS". It's that pesky left over 20% that really gets to me.
    1 point
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