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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2012 in all areas

  1. Prag, What we call cedar here in the plains is different than out west. It is the Eastern Red Cedar and is a Juniper. They are very limber and will lay over when covered with snow and ice. http://en.wikipedia....erus_virginiana
    1 point
  2. Just wanted to add a comment in reference to Ms. Ketchum's quoted remark about Wally Hersom. I think he deserves our eternal gratitude for putting up the money for the DNA work (not sure if all or some, but definitely some), because in this real world, as every researcher trying to solve the BF mystery knows, money to do things right is almost as hard to find as the big hairy thing itself. He made a commitment to see the DNA work was done right, regardless of cost, and so I, for one, wish to convey my immense gratitude for his willingness to do so. Bill
    1 point
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