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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2012 in all areas

  1. You have. of course, just ignored a report of 15 multiple witnesses watching A not only interact with B, but A to actually fire upon B... At about 9 P.M. about 15 people observed a very large red spherical object hovering low in the sky which began to descend towards a pasture. The witness and two boys proceeded up the field and observed a white dome shaped object on the ground that illuminated the area, and was making a loud whirring sound. It was estimated at about 100 feet in diameter. They were about 250 feet from the object, and about 75 feet from a fence line. Walking along the fence line were two tall figures, 7 to 9 feet tall, covered with hair, and arms hanging down past the knees, and displaying glowing green eyes. The creatures were fired upon, first tracers were shot overhead, then live ammo was used. The largest of the two creatures turned towards the other almost touching it, and at the same time the object in the field disappeared, and the sound stopped. The creatures slowly walked towards the woods. One boy had already ran home, the other two left the field, went to the farmhouse and moved the family members to a neighbor’s home, and called the state police. When the trooper arrived he and the main witness went to the site, and where the object had landed there was a glowing area, that according to the trooper was about 150 feet in diameter. He said he could read a newspaper from the amount of light that it was emitting. The farm animals refused to go into the area. The witness we talked with has always stated that before they left the field, the largest of the two creatures was seen in the woods about 10 feet from them, and he shot at it and it struck the fence that stood between them. Ignore it, deny it, scoff at it, but the reports are there. You can either simply dimiss them because they do not fit the preconceived notion that you as an intransigent believer have adopted for what is acceptable for Bigfooot, or you can try and establish why you have multiple witnesses swearing they've seen something that is way outside your area of comfort. If your irony meter is irrevocably beyond repair here, the great irony here is that a skeptic is defending the legitimacy of the viewpoint of UFO-Bigfoot proponents to their orthodox and more close-minded believer peers. UFO Digest's Regan Lee sums up the close-minded Bigfooter intolerance... http://www.ufodigest...-term-witnesses There are numerous reports of not only Bigfoot and UFO's being seen together, but actually interacting with Bigfoot entering and leaving alien spacecraft. Here the phenomena of Bigfoot and UFO's join together in a weird melting pot of high strangeness. Too strange for intransigent Bigfooters. You don't have a single confirmed Bigfoot hair or even one that is confirmed as coming from an uncatalogued species and as for tracks, please tell us, Mulder, what do you believe made these tracks? Sweet Tony Danza, what a whopper. We only had the man hours to build three highly industrialized nations here. Just wow. Yes, all the time. I'm not sure what tools you refer to nor am I interested in an explanation. . Not only is there a strong correlation in the distribution of Bigfoot and UFO sightings, they in fact often are claimed to be seen together. Bigfoot acts every bit like a social construct. For every bogus hair and hoaxed print, you can be given 10 alien implants and irradiated landing sights. The fact is that when it comes to weak coffee, the evidence for alien visitation vastly outwieghs and is of a far superior nature to that of Bigfoot. Their physical specimens, their footage, the eyewitness accounts leave Bigfootery in the dust. The snobbery many Bigfooters show for Ufology is stange given the phenomena manifest themselves so similarly.
    1 point
  2. Kitakaze, yet another half-page diatribe. Have you ever simply tried speaking your mind? Without the drama of the various tools you employ? Give it a try, sometime. Enough with the drama.
    1 point
  3. Thank you for specifiying your filtration setting for Bigfoot reports, namely... Other Bigfooters are decidely more tolerant and do not dismiss reports such as this... http://www.ufomystic...ot-connections/ More info on UFO-Bigfoot sightings here... Lots and lots of reports to read. I personally find UFO-Bigfoot sightings reports fasinating. BFF members wishing to learn more about the connections between UFO's and Bigfoots can go here... http://bigfootforums...nnection-exist/ There you will find many fellow Bigfoot-UFO believers genuinely interested in the subject and excited about talking about it. Please pay no mind to the heckling from close-minded orthodox F&B Bigfooters. They don't realize that many UFO-Bigfoot believers agree Bigfoot is flesh and blood, just a species not from Earth. That would be something intended to divert attention from the real problem or matter at hand. The matter at hand is what is the statistical probability that all Bigfoot sightings are false. I think 99% based on the evidence showing the manner in which Bigfoot acts like a social construct. The evidence is very strong that Bigfoot is a social construct. This doesn't mean somewhere in there you can't have real Bigfoot. There just isn't any reliable evidence of that. What Bigfoot sightings do is mirror UFO sightings in distribution and placement. This is because it matches human distribution. This shoots the remote and rare misnomer all to hell. Like UFO sightings, Bigfoot sightings are where the people are. So the problem is why do so many people swear they saw Bigfoot? If there was a real living mammal species from New York to New Mexico in breeding numbers frequently coming into human contact and civilization, we would have had bodies many times over. Don't think Bigfoot does that? I would very much like to see that so that I might introduce you to a large section of the BFF. Hello, Bigfootery, this is you. Feel like talking to yourself? No, don't want to hear it from the guy who says two Bigfoots were in the back of his truck in a parking lot of an Oklahoma camping ground? Don't want to hear it from the guy who says Bigfoot was digging through the dumpster at the Seattle area nursing home? Oh, OK. I guess you certainly won't be hearing it from the witnesses who swear they saw Bigfoot and UFO's together. And why wouldn't alien visitors be interested in Bigfoot? Like we're the only thing worth checking out here? Close-mindedness amongst Bigfoot believers who consider themselves and their field to hold a great truth and maverick thinking is just the most delicious thing ever.
    1 point
  4. There are two basic approaches that should be a likely focus. One is that they have DNA that is out of the range for modern humans. That is probably the most important determination and could be difficult since there is an element of proving a negative. They do seem to have some significant differences so that part would seem to be most likely doable assuming they are real and have DNA from actual sasquatch. The other approach is showing that they share the same basic genome and their differences from modern humans are largely shared amongst themselves. That part should be easy from a genetics point of view. It wouldn't really stand on its own if they aren't substantially out of the range of modern humans. I would expect those two methods to both work to some degree and provide substantial evidence that something different than a modern human is responsible for the DNA. That is really the bottom line as far as proof goes. It should then be enough for scientists to take it seriously, eventually. It doesn't really matter if it isn't believable to laypeople. That wouldn't prove there was such a thing as sasquatch but I think it would be the logical assumption if those two approaches were successfully demonstrated. It seem logical that they both should be in a real population.
    1 point
  5. I look at it like this: Believers are at the top of a peak. Down the east slope is skepticville where nothing but a body is proof enough. Down the west slope is para-squatch heaven where squatch is everywhere, in your back yard, in random pictures or coming out of UFO's. All but a few eventually seem to slide down one slope or the other do to the total and absolute lack of physical evidence. I used to think para-squatch people were suffering from a surplus dopamine (here and here) until I realized that was in the same boat simply because I believed in a physical bigfoot at all. 12 years ago when I started following bigfoot I figured we were right around the corner from validation. We had tons of DNA, up close re-occuring encounters even in residential neighborhoods, dermal ridges, hunters using high powered rifles who had bigfoot in their sights and even habitation attempts. After watching Sasquatch, The Legend of Bigfoot I realized that nothing has changed in the past 30 or 40 years so why can't he jump out of UFO's. Sorry about the ramble, Martin
    1 point
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