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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2012 in all areas

  1. Fact, demonstrable. Opinion, self-evident and stated as such. Opinion, stated as fact. Redundancy.
    1 point
  2. Protection study for them well that is a joke.I believe the protection will be for those trying to hunt the creatures, cause once they know that they are being hunted there will be no stopping their actions.They will will go further into the wilderness and those who follow to hunt them will die plain and simple.Do you think that they will just allow a body to be given up just like that,the protection is not for them but for us. We are the ones cuasing their night mare and they own this realm of forest or domain.We are very naive to believe that we can hunt them down when they know the true value of freedom.By us taking them in to our world is like inprising them and do we really believe that this is what they want?We have the DNA what more do we need ,this DNA is the key to life and there is no need to retrieve no body.All the body is going to do is bring grief upon them and maybe anger.If they are a people or a race of people then why the hell are talking about killing one.Just so that we can please a few people and maybe show them what they look like and disect them.It is wrong and we should move away from this thinking and just leave them alone.As far as I know they do not want nothing from us except from the chosen few.They are the owners of their own destiny and if they choose to destory it they will do so on their terms.Call me an advocate but some one needs to be a voice for them.
    1 point
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