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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2012 in all areas

  1. I don't know about that Jodie, it may well be published in a reputable journal. I'm just saying, the speculation in this thread has gone far beyond a reasonable assessment of the available information. We should all take a deep breath... expect nothing and hope for the best.
    2 points
  2. You may not see it yet, thats exactly how this is playing out. You just can't have the body if it is technically human. The thing is Cervelo, you don't prove a new species "without" DNA anymore. Even if you have a few bones to look at. Case in point http://www.bbc.co.uk...onment-14921665 You simply can't get DNA that is a unique species without there being a body/ bodies to produce it, and in this day and age, some species will go unproven without it, no matter what is in the fossil record, or sitting in a museum. If you took this new species of dolphin for instance collected a type specimen, sequenced the DNA and it showed no divergence, would it be a new species? You've got to have the DNA anymore, and it will show that a new species is there, with or without the thing laying on the table.
    1 point
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