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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2012 in all areas

  1. Hey parn, how about taking the high road and let the suit and results speak for itself instead of consistently telling us what us BFF members are going to think, you guys are not exactly neutral characters in this yourself, just saying maybe you shouldn't be throwing rocks in a glass house like you just did in your last paragraph.
    3 points
  2. ......then theyll probably have to analyze that skid mark in the shorts of it too
    1 point
  3. "Perhaps Bill Munns could suggest how to simulate the PGF resolution. It would be worth another thou to get this done right." I will have all the photographic specifications for an authentic recreation filming in a few months, and will be glad to publish them here in the forum for all to read and anyone to use. We've wasted far too much time looking at attempts or examples where the photographic specifications were wrong (thus screwing up the comparison), and so if any future attempts are made, it would do us all a great service if those attempts were photographicaly correct as a foundation for comparisons of the costumes to PGF. I'll do my part. Bill
    1 point
  4. I'd ask, Do you have any snake oil?,then make some mumblings about how bad the economy is, then throw out an offer of 50 bucks, then with a stern look in my eye, say, I'm not even sure if I could make any money off it, if Bob G. admitted what it was.
    1 point
  5. I think there is no way to out a value on the suit, the only way to find it's worth is put it out on auction and let the bidding begin. It's hard to determine the cost of something we have nothing to compare too. But IF legit and authenticated the bidding could hit six figures, easily. In my opinion.
    1 point
  6. Parnassus: Assuming one has authentication evidence, is not the same as actually having authentication evidence which has been vetted by impartial consideration or cross-examined by expertise which is skeptical of the claim. Skepticism actually, in its pure form, cuts both ways. If this supposition you pro-offered has any factual basis, it actually faces a quite rigorous and challenging authentication, and if such exists, I look forward to seeing how rigorous and scholarly that authentication is. But since this is a "just suppose. . ." discussion, I suppose I'd want to look at the thing myself, before I'd muster up any enthusiasm for it's being anywhere near authentic. Bill
    1 point
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