I think being skeptical of something is a very good thing and can be protection for us in many ways. Most folks have a lot of this built into us and the thought of something like Bigfoot dwelling in our forested areas is just way too far out of the box for us to accept. For me, having a cinder block sized object thrown to within 10 feet of my son and I, from a brushline over 100 feet away, really rocked my sense of logic and reason. It happened after midnight while fishing along a remote north Texas creek with no else around.
I knew I wasn't imagining these large drops of water raining down on us and the object didn't float. I also knew this was not something easily performed by any human or animal I was familiar with. We left the area in short order very bewildered!
My journey and quest began for answers back then in 2003. I was very skeptical of the Bigfoot websites and conferences at first, thinking they might be a rehashed Doctor Feelgood medicine show or something. Over time, I began findings answers through my own field research and networking with a small knowledgable group. Over time, I experienced some truly amazing and incredible experiences associated with the Bigfoot phenomenon.
At some point, my desire to prove or debate their reality to others was lost. I don't really care anymore. My pleasure comes from watching and interacting with these truly amazing creatures that are easily overlooked by others. A position they work really hard at and are very good at keeping it that way.
If you are skeptical don't believe, no harm done....that is unless you by sheer chance, you happen stumble onto a large hulking figure that goes bump in the night!.... I then hope you can find help to keep your reason and sanity fully in check.