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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/21/2012 in all areas

  1. Well, when and if BF is discovered taxonomically through this dna study I'd like to see the scientific nosology consider the Homo sapiens ketchumifyoucan designation!
    2 points
  2. vacuum packed................... At least you won't be eating freezer burned crow when definitive proof comes in.....................how do you like your crow? DNA sends criminals to death row, so DNA should make a pretty good case for the reality of BF.
    1 point
  3. This of course says nothing about existence or not. I admired scientists a lot in my youth, but as I have grown older I have come to realize that they are human like the rest of us and prone to the same failings. Back in the late 1970s the Peregrine Falcon was supposed to be extinct in Minnesota and Wisconsin. But I flew hang gliders (still do) and hung out a lot on hills that created lift that soaring birds like. We saw Peregrins all the time. The reason 'scientists' did not see them was because they did not understand that the bird likes to soar in lift rather than sink (you can't soar in sink ), and did not know where to find lifting air anyway. So they essentially did not know where to look. Of course it didn't help that the species was already rare. So we greeted the announcement that they had "successfully re-introduced" the Peregrins by hatching them on the top of a Minneapolis office building with a certain disgust; disgust in seeing their arrogance. BF is a similar problem. There seems to be an assumption that if you just go out and look, you'll find it. BF is not like a rare rock that just sits there. Or like a fox I caught in my headlights last night that did not seem to mind being flooded with light. BF is rare and crafty. In addition, humans practice an arrogance of having seen it all. To that end, the first impediment is shoes. As long as you wear shoes that have a cushy sole, you will lead with your heal with each step (transmitting your presence to every animal in the forest) and in addition you will look down at a 45 degree angle to watch where you are stepping; essentially you will see *nothing* in the forest... I can get a lot more in depth about the walking thing, but- the main point is that arrogance functions exactly the same way as stupidity. IOW we are stupid in the forest, and easily evaded **by an entire population** that is crafty in the forest and is motivated to avoid us. Additionally, I point you to the '3-mile trackway in northern Minnesota'. This video poses a much more serious problem for any skeptic than they realize. It also points to why we won't find a body anytime soon. To understand why, you have to know something about tracking and I find that most skeptics are completely in the dark on that subject (none that I have met knows what a pressure release is or what they mean). The significance however is simple: we humans stick to trails for the most part, and avoid walls of brush and places that look hard to get through. So easily 90% of the land is not really experienced- we stick to trails! From that video, BF does not. It goes where it wants and *even miles from the nearest human* is careful to practice what is called 'counter tracking' technique. I can explain this in a lot more depth if desired!
    1 point
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