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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2012 in all areas

  1. Chuck Norris would have punched the bigfoot in the face and bigfoot would have said "thank you!" (well, more like grunted in appreciation than actual talking...)
    1 point
  2. No one is responsible for getting your facts straight but you. You seem to take a very simplistic view of the phenomenon and then criticise others for not taking action to solve the mystery. You might want to spend some time better familiarizing yourself with the people and incidents you refer to before commenting further.
    1 point
  3. Michael Cremo, the 'Forbidden Archeologist', terms this curious phenomenon of denial, 'knowledge filtering', whereby the dominant hegemony of scientific belief forces the dismissal of any data that gets in the way of their preconceived notions; and in so doing maintains the status quo, regardless of sometimes overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Ya, ain't science great whenever there is money, status and prestige at risk? - Dudlow
    1 point
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