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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2012 in all areas

  1. That’s a good question. It’s frustrating to know something to be true and realize that no matter how credible you are in every other aspect in your life, no matter how respected you are at work, loved and trusted by family and friends; you still get that look. The look that says, ‘suuurrre you did’. People are usually kind enough to not come out and call you an out and out liar, but nearly everyone comes close to it, or worse, you are a gullible fool. My favorite people are ones who think they are being helpful by suggesting that maybe you saw a bear or heard and owl or the ‘those kids out there in the woods playing tricks on peopleâ€. So, people witness these things and they come to a forum like this thinking maybe they can just get a grip on what they have seen, feel like they have kinship, etc. and what happens? Well even here, at a bigfoot forum they again have their integrity called into question. So they become agitated. There is no safe place to discuss what they have experienced. If you are a long term witness or self proclaimed bigfooter, investigator, field researcher who has had more than one encounter you find you have even fewer people who will cut you slack. I have very few people who I am completely open with and willing to discuss in detail all of my personal experiences. Usually this is other field researchers and witnesses who I’ve gotten to know while out in the sticks. So yes, there is anger and frustration. Surely it is understandable that a knower is unwilling to stand up to the ridicule of the so called (usually self proclaimed) skeptics. Usually these self proclaimed skeptics have 0 real world experience with the subject and for some reason feel everyone needs to lay their proof at their feet for the skeptic’s inspection and evaluation. Now I’m not going to say that is everyone’s take but I’ve talked with many witnesses and researchers, and that is the feeling I get. We frequently hear the call on these forums, “show me the evidence, tell us your storyâ€, and when you do you get, “well maybe it was a bear, you heard and owl and must have been those kids……â€. So news for the hard core skeptics and scoftics; I do laugh. You don’t realize how uniformed you actually are. You are so far away from the truth of this that I do find you amusing and I find it sad that you live in such a drab no nonsense world where you can’t take a leap of faith when faced with an avalanche of evidence. Where there is smoke, there is fire. You can’t have thousands of documented eyewitness reports, police reports, news paper stories, native lore, folk lore and it all be a hoax, wishful thinking or misinterpretations. There are several hundred foot casts, , hand casts, photos both blurry and clear, film footage (PG shows a live animal not a suit), audio recordings. The explanations contrary to this evidence are usually far more incredible and improbable than the truth. So it comes down to the basic truth for us knowers. They exist. No matter how much you don’t want them to, no matter how improbable that is to you, it is the truth. No argument you can make can change the truth. So go ahead and call me a liar, or soft in the head. I and the tens of thousands of other witnesses know better. I’ll be laughing for those who can’t.
    2 points
  2. sure...here ya go....a summary... kidding..... well kinda... Judas... your better off going back and reading it yourself... that way you can make up your own mind about the matter.
    1 point
  3. I don't know MikeG personally but from what I can see from his posts he is a man of honour and I think he is talking about the fact that he made a agreement and gave his word when he signed his NDAs and that nothing is going to make him break his word. I don't know the people involved with the study either but it seems that their word might mean a whole lot more to them than legal shenaningans. I am surprised that someone would come out and advise another person to break their word because in their opinion there could be nothing done about it.
    1 point
  4. Because finding human tracks, forensically typed goat hairs, blood-typed cow blood, elk body impressions, and bear photos don't really help us locate bigfoot.
    1 point
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