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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2012 in all areas

  1. I couldn't disagree more. This is one of the problems though Colosus and like BFS just said, for all these people wanting to play the Cop and get their questioning in on a witness, especially a new witness, not everyone and in fact probably a small proportion would be up for that and i don't blame them. It's one of the reason i never made a big deal out of my sighting, why on earth would i want someone who thinks they can play Cop and question what i saw that day on an Internet forum ?? Don't think so, i have no interest in what anyone else thinks about that day as it will make NO difference whatsoever to anything and the only thing it could possibly do is get me worked up where people's " line of questioning " is concerned. It's just an excuse for many to be able to have some kind of power over people, power that enables them, because it falls within the rules and guidelines of the that the forum sets out, to be able to question others in a way that they probably wouldn't be able to do in the real world as opposed to the cyber world. For every one person refusing to share evidence Colosus, you'd have 10 plus that probably weren't capable of getting any evidence i'd say anyway, for all kinds of reasons or when people do and they share it, it generally doesn't fall within the parameters of what lot's on here regard as good evidence anyway so it's pretty much a no win situation for many in my eyes. This Forum is great, don't get me wrong, but it most certainly isn't a place for people to come in the belief that sharing something that is hard enough to get your head around in the first place, sharing an experience of something that's happened to you that everybody tells you doesn't exist anyway, can be done comfortably and i am under no illusions that more people would have not shared their stories than have shared their stories on here if they done their homework on it first. Myself being a prime example.
    1 point
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