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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2012 in all areas

  1. I always get a kick out of the attitude that "people who don't think the way I do are bad for Bigfootery."
    1 point
  2. BFSleuth, I'm not talking about Stan. I'm talking about the guy that had the train hopping theory. The guy mentioned in the OP and on Stan's facebook page. The guy that is ground zero for the subject matter of this thread. http://bigfootforums...oot-and-trains/ This guy had seen them all around the tracks and came up with a theory that they hop trains. Like any good investigator would do, Stan followed up. The guy yells out for Stan to look that way and he'll look this way. And practically said (an exaggeration on my part) "I'll look this way and you look that way in the direction where my friend in a costume is hanging out" Prior to going, Stan did not believe this guy. Why is that? You guys are basically telling me that I shouldn't have doubts, yet here we have a person with great experience in these matters not believing it. I like Stan and what he has to say, so if you guys don't mind, I'm going with his initial gut on this one. " I tried not to show my disbelief but it is nothing I have ever heard of before." http://www.facebook....150692180519836 Now we have them popping up all over the place. There's one over here. There's one over there. There's one sipping coffee, reading the morning paper on the way to the Zagnut factory. These animals only exist today because of their avoidance of humans but you guys are leading me to believe that they beg for food like baboons do on trains? They'll stay away from a manmade object like a camera because the gears or the smell makes them skittish or whatever, but they are leaping right onto something manmade that has 6,000hp? Sasfooty, I know you like to often say that because of people like me, others won't come forward with their stories, but it's a chicken vs. egg scenario. I'm saying there are people like me because of these types of stories. Ultimately, it's bad business for the discovery of bigfoot. It makes people roll their eyes and bail out. I want to bring more people in. Btw, the egg came first
    1 point
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