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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2012 in all areas

  1. That was very witty, slicktrick... I had to +1 it.
    1 point
  2. perhaps a good doctor could give us "enoch-ulations" against future outbreaks.....
    1 point
  3. I wonder how many good folks have left over the years because of frustration with hard core scoftics? Hundreds?
    1 point
  4. I have said this before and believe it to be true. There are two extremes that are really the same thing in the end. The first is "If I don't believe it you can't believe it." The other "I believe it and you have to believe it too."
    1 point
  5. I tend to think that message #244 was not directed at Stan..... seems another member took the brunt.... but moreover it *is* about claims of the capacities of Bigfoot. I tend to believe if good members and staunch researchers are "running away from the forum" in droves that perhaps they are simply running away because we tend to enforce the rules and will not settle for people making "rule-breaking" posts impugning mental stability, veracity, etc. In such cases, "as I've always been told", perhaps the good members and staunch researchers need to reconsider the phenomenon and grow a thicker skin..... but that's just my viewpoint until Bigfoot is indisputably proven with either dna, morphometric necropsy or pathology exam (flesh and blood). As I've had some pretty unexplainable phenomenon surround this "being" experienced directly short of mindspeak, I'm just gonna be listening to all opinions and take what works for me and evaluate how it changes or accommodates the big picture.
    1 point
  6. I second that opinion, I looked for the qoute Puff made in support of what Stan thinks he saw but evidently I don't know how to work the search function. To be fair, I think Puff was speaking generally, not aiming that at Stan. On the other hand it's ridiculous to pick items that you think cause the topic of bigfoot to look illiegitimate when, as Tonar pointed out to me earlier in this thread, the whole topic of bigfoot is suspect to the general public. However, all you have is your opinion of whether the person is honest and forthright. In all things bigfoot, consider the source. That also includes the individual poster's opinion regardless of what their position is here on the forum. Puff does not equal bigfoot expert anymore than anyone else here does and you know what they say about opinions.
    1 point
  7. I think it's minimally presumptuous, and downright insulting that you would 'poo-poo' a long time member here, just for making a post. Is your beef personal or something? Are you the end all, be all on what's realistic, and satisfactory for the bigfoot world, and what should and should not be reported? The more you post, the more confrontational, jaded, and downright personal you are getting when it comes to one member here. I personally don't like to see 'bullying' whether on an internet forum or in person. It's very unflattering, and erodes the credibility of all admins here.
    1 point
  8. I can't imagine a legitimate scenario where, in this day and age, we are using sketches instead of good-clear-photos to identify an alleged animal kill.
    1 point
  9. Here's an earlier thread. I use Google search as it works better! I knew I'd posted a Vietnam story... tirademan
    1 point
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