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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2012 in all areas

  1. Sorry, I thought the conversation was about how fast they run. Why drag all the other claims into it?
    1 point
  2. In my opinion this cannot be taken as a situation where education or knowledge would have helped because it must have been a clear decision to shoot something just for the sake of shooting it. That is my opinion anyway. If you substituted a 1,000 lb grizzly bear with cubs with the female bear acting very aggressively into the exact same scenario as the shooter describes he would never get away with claiming self defence if he shot the grizzly where I come from. The distance alone makes a case of fearing for one's life incomprehensible as does the proximity of a fully operational motor vehicle. Now if we take the sketch of the creature's head and face as being true then I am very nervous that there are people who are so willing to shoot at something so human looking without any reasonable explanation. I hope he never sees me through his scope when I'm having a bad hair day.
    1 point
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