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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/2012 in all areas

  1. Isn't that Parn's line?
    1 point
  2. You're a little confused on the terms you're using. You say "community," but what you really mean is culture. Culture is behavior that is learned and shared, which results in things like making tools. It happens in societies, which are made of communities, but the words mean very different things. Also, your description of hunter/gatherer behavior is kind of flawed. In H/G societies, pretty much every skill is known by everyone in the community, and labor is split evenly. It might be divided along gender or age lines, but generally speaking, most people do the same kinds of work and have the same skills. Everyone can make a bow and arrow, everyone can use them, everyone can make baskets, and everyone knows what's edible and where to find it (it's a requirement to survive). Some people do have things they're better at than others, but the society doesn't treat them any differently because of it, other than giving them some extra respect. You described something that sounds more like specialization of labor, which only started popping up in agricultural societies.
    1 point
  3. Sommersby, Don't listen to them. If you have a chance to kill one, do it. Plan on getting the evidence out to multiple universities and/or labs. Science will get a type specimen and it'll be protected forever. It's the best thing you can possibly to do help them.
    1 point
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