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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2012 in all areas

  1. I think science can read the truth from the data. Modern human Contamination theoreticly can't account for significantly diverged sequences that both repeat and are abesent in positive and negative controls. Instead of demanding flawless collection and wishing to believe there was no way they could be contaminated (which you wouldn't be able to tell) it is better to understand the processes in which contamination is detected and eliminated as a possible source. http://www.promega.com/~/media/Files/Resources/Profiles%20In%20DNA/802/Identifying%20and%20Preventing%20DNA%20Contamination%20in%20a%20DNA%20Typing%20Laboratory.ashx
    1 point
  2. Well, I'd imagine that with all the night training (with cameras and airplanes) that has gone on over the last 55(?) years, the military has some interesting footage. I think they debrief the witnesses and put it behind them. I have no military experience at all though, so am guessing. Uncle Sam has NO interest in "Finding Bigfoot." The reason for this is that they would be responsible! Imagine what Uncle Sam is going to say to the family of a 8-year-old kid who's gone missing in the forest once they've "exposed" the existence sasquatch! Luckily for them, sasquatch tends to be peaceful to humans. They know they're far too large, nimble and uncatchable to really do much without spending tons of money and lighting up the forest with the military. Then they'd have to do that every time someone claimed to have seen one. It's just far easier for U.S. to say "Wow, that is weird, why don't you go look for one?" Which is what they do today at best. Usually, it's the "There must be a more reasonable answer" tactic. And having said that, this 1974 WA Army Corps of Engineers page has some really interestingly non-committal language regarding the big guy! (I retyped it so you can read it, but it seems Photobucket has sized it down, the you know whats). Give me a minute and I'll post the text. tirademan Here ya go... tirademan SASQUATCH The very existence of Sasquatch, or “Big Foot†as it is sometimes known, is hotly disputed. Some profess to be open-minded about the matter, although stating that not one piece of evidence will withstand serious scientific scrutiny. Others, because of a particular incident or totality of reports over the years, are convinced that Sasquatch is a reality. Alleged Sasquatch hair samples inspected by F.B.I. laboratories resulted in the conclusion that no such hair exists on any human or presently-known animal for which such data are available. Information from alleged sightings, tracks and other experiences conjures up the picture of an ape-like creature standing between 8 and 12 feet tall, weighing in excess of 1,000 pounds, and taking strides of up to 6 feet. Plaster casts have been made of tracks showing a large, squarish foot 14 to 24 inches in length and 5 to 10 inches in breadth. Reported to feed on vegetation and some meat, the Sasquatch is covered with long hair, except for the face and hands, and has a distinctly humanlike form. Sasquatch is very agile and powerful, with the endurance to cover a vast range in search of food, shelter and others of its kind. It is apparently able to see at night and is extremely shy, leaving minimal evidence of its presence. Tracks are presently the best evidence of its existence. A short film of an alleged female Sasquatch was shot in northern California which, although scoffed at, shows no indication of fabrication. The Pacific Northwest is generally considered to be the hotbed of Sasquatch activity, with Washington leading in number of reports of tracks or sightings since 1968. However, reports of Sasquatch-like creatures are known from as far away as the Parmir Mountains in the U.S.S.R. and South America. If Sasquatch is purely legendary, the legend is likely to be a long time in dying. On the other hand, if Sasquatch does exist, than with the Sasquatch hunts being mounted and the increasing human population it seems likely that some hard evidence may soon be in hand. Legendary or actual, Sasquatch excites a great popular interest in Washington.
    1 point
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