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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/06/2012 in all areas

  1. There is one man behind the FBFB page; his name is Jeff Andersen. He will claim that there is a group of "experts" running the page, but that is seriously debatable seeing how the main poster has a consistent pattern of behavior. He routinely bans people who are not even trolls for showing evidence that contradicts his opinion. His temper is displayed frequently, and he will delete posts to make himself look better when he has been legitimately confronted. Perhaps the greatest flaw of the FBFB page is a lack of integrity. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes and errors. Integrity admits these problems and seeks to eliminate them in the future. One example is Jeff's insistence that the Swamp Logger video is a Sasquatch even though the show believes it is a film crew member, the subject is wearing blue, has a backpack, as follows nothing in Jeff's own constructed morphology. Another example was the human chaser in the caribou video that was so clearly a man with a backpack. It was only until the HD version was obtained that he backed down, but never retracted or apologized for the nasty behavior. The HD version wasn't even necessary. At this point, I would not believe Jeff's tongue if it came notarized. He sees a Bigfoot in every bathroom stall, gas station, and dumpster. He is not open to constructive criticism and is biased by his own self promotion. The FBFB is not about finding Bigfoot or documenting their behavior. It is about Jeff's launch to replace Tom Biscardi.
    1 point
  2. Well, perhaps you could suggest that to the steering committee, & see if you can get things changed to suit you a little better. I was told long ago that if I was planning to hang around here, I'd need to get a thick skin & learn to deal with being told things that I don't particularly like to hear. It got pretty thick, but if yours doesn't, the ignore button can make your life much more pleasant.
    1 point
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