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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2012 in all areas

  1. I am just an interested observer with nothing substantive to add but I think Dr. Ketchum catches too much grief considering she hasn't been proven to have lied nor has she promised something that was not delivered. Obviously, there is a ton of frustration with the time this has taken but if the sasquatch proponents have been waiting since the beginning of the time to have their opinions and sightings and evidence validated, what is a few more weeks or months? She has promised, in her own words, a major delivery of news. She hasn't promised a time. So, I think prudence dictates waiting patiently and quietly. If it proves to be a hoax or her information is more sparkler than roman candle, then light her up. Until then, I think shots at her are unfair or premature. Just my opinion. Others obviously feel differently.
    2 points
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