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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2012 in all areas

  1. Ok, Sas, my logic train. 1st: Fact established to my satisfaction: They do exist. Seen them myself. One at close distance in broad daylight under unmistakable conditions with two other people present who were both closer to it than I was. If the word of a West Point graduate and former faculty member at that institution, who is also a state licensed professional engineer isn't good enough for you, then I'm ok with that. 2nd: Facts established to my satisfaction: They're not paranormal. They are extraordinary and every bit as intelligent as most people are. They just apply it differently. 3rd: It follows that since they do exist and they're not paranormal, they do die, defecate, and generally leave other evidence behind. 4th: Assumption, and this may be the weakest part of my argument: The government can't be so incompetent as a whole that it is not aware of the species. 5th: Fact: The general public is just fine living with the impression that they do not exist. 6th: It follows that inertial ignorance makes it easy to let the public keep thinking they don't exist. The government doesn't have to hide them, control them, or take any action to keep them in one location or the other. All it has to do is not drop a bigfoot body in front of a TV camera. 7th: This begs the question, though. Why would the government not announce the existence of the species? 8th: Logic suggests that there is/are one or more downside(s) to doing so. When one looks at the influence that the environmental lobby currently holds, this train of thought becomes more striking. How bad must the downside(s) be to induce a government sympathetic to environmental causes to not reveal the existence of the species? 9th: Logic suggests that, at a minimum, such a downside is significant enough that the public would demand action, and it is probable that government is incapable of controlling them (as you suggest). 10th: This leads to the hypothesis that government discretely disposes of bigfoot bodies when they are brought to its attention. I don't see it as a grand conspiracy. I just see it as a policy that makes life easier for both government and a happily oblivious public. There are several accounts that cite this sort of activity, though only one that I find credible (the treatment of the injured bigfoot that emerged from the Nevada wildfire).
    1 point
  2. The Government has the resources and the money to do a lot of things you or me can't do. Mike (watch1)
    1 point
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