Coonbo is absolutely right about this. One of the reasons we stopped posting recent sighting reports was because of the unusual activity in the areas we mentioned in the reports. We were doing the ground work for them and decided to stop giving them any info that they could use. We had an outing in an area near my home a few years back and the area we had activity in was soon clear cut.
I have never been warned about talking about Bigfoot by my employer but I do know some that work in the timber industry that have. It happens.
I have talked with a lot of folks from all over the state and from all over the country. There are things going on that would surprise many and if I told any of it, most would say i was just crazy and many would think that I am just a conspiracy nut.
I give warning to those that might be called what many call habituaters. Please be careful who you share info with. Do not be swayed by the story that the truth will finally be revealed and you think that you can now share your story with others because now protection for the Bigfoot is coming soon.
Many Bigfoot researchers run on "hope". We hope the truth will finally come and we will be "justified" at last. This hope led to the Georgia Hoax and that was just a test to see how far it could go. If you remember, the game was played all the way to the end and even when things went to far, it was continued past the point of no return.
I don't know what will come out of the Melba Ketchem DNA study but you can be assured that if there is any way for that report to fail, it will. But during the mean time, you have everyone running on "hopeium" and sharing info that they would not be sharing if they did not believe the truth was going to be revealed soon. There are those that are using others names in ways to gain info. They are calling others and telling them that "persons name" told me to call you and using that person as a way to get info. The person they are saying that told them to call does not know anything about it. I suggest that if someone calls you, tell them to give you their number and you will call them back. Then call the person that they said that told them to call you before you tell them anything. This is happening folks so be on the watch for it.
Is there a conspiracy to hide the truth from the general public? You bet there is but at the same time they are getting as much info as possible about where the Bigfoot are located and who knows what about them.
Mike (watch1)