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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2012 in all areas

  1. Glad I could amuse you. I find it amusing when someone reads something in a book and then can tell someone else what they saw.
    1 point
  2. I live in East Texas and the wildlife biologists will tell you that Red Wolves are extinct in this area, but I have seen them myself several times in my life, up close and in daylight so there was no mistaking what I saw. I know canines, having worked in the field as a vet tech and studied animal science in college so I did not see a coyote or a domestic dog and make a mistake. They would also have told you there are no mountain lions in this area, that is until they started showing up on game cams and one was even shot and killed. There are still Red Wolves in this area. So I wouldn't so readily discount Coonbo when he says he saw them.
    1 point
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