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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2012 in all areas

  1. This type of thing has been in my thinking for years, i just don't reguarly share it on here for fear of ridicule that would invariably lead to retaliation by me and a warning level increase but seeing's as we're talking about it now.................. These Animals MUST have something about them that enables them to stay undetected so much by Human Beings, something that involves deceiving Human way of thinking, that deceives Human eyesight, that deceives the Human Template and how many of us view and see things. We have to believe that their camourflauge techniques, whatever they are, are very, very good. We have to believe that their sense of smell, hearing and even eyesight is highly probable much better than ours When Humans see things, the first part of anything they look for are the eyes, Humans like to associate confirmed visulization with eye contact, we do that instinctively and if we can't make eye contact with something, then we go into back up mode for a confirmed visulization and find other confirmations that what we are looking at is what it is. We ( Humans ) use eye contact as a form of social communication and non verbal communication. So it makes sense to me that Sasquatches take this form of communication away, or at least try to take this form of communication, away when possible during an encounter with a Human, where possible of course. So this " turning away " makes complete sense, it also i think, goes outside of the realm of the Human Template in the way we look at things. Sasquatches i'm convinced, are " just another tree " a lot of the time, an incredible amount of the time. They observe us, then they " disappear ", but of course they don't just " disappear ", they just disappear from us, that's all. This one was observed doing very similar behaviour to the one in WA that this initial thread is about, very similar. http://www.bfro.net/gdb/show_report.asp?id=23171 I could add a dozen plus reports of this behaviour, Sasquatches hiding behind Tree's, big Tree's. Other time's if they are caught out of cover, then they themselves turn into Tree's, i'm 100% convinced of it.
    1 point
  2. I would prefer to think of it as another 3 letter word: bad, as in bad camera work. I watched the video, and can barely make out the sticks and twigs of the shelters that Tracker is trying to show us. I tried downloading the highest quality video, but even that has had multiple frames blurred together by the compression codec. The camera just never stays still. Some people might think that doing this collects the largest amount of data, which can then be reviewed frame-by-frame to find the bigfoots, but it fails. The motion blurs things together, and creates bigfoots, with rabbits on their heads, looking at center folds, just before being attacked by bird monsters. When something interesting does happen, it is captured on a single frame, and blurred beyond anything useful in the others. When filming, you need to film something. If you are going to just whip the camera around the woods, then you may as well not even have a camera. If you just want random pictures of the forest, get a 7+ MP still camera and takes lots of random pictures. If you happen to get something, maybe it will be a lot more clear. BTW, the rabbit is pretty clear. If it was any clearer, it might leap out and bite your head off.
    1 point
  3. I don't feel sad at all to be skeptical. It is too bad, however, that there is no reliable evidence of Bigfoot. How cool would it be if there were? In any case, I understand your sentiment and I've made us a flag... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_HRiGgliTOzc/TG2QSAI4FbI/AAAAAAAAC-0/BM0NSiTdwDY/s1600/I+Want+to+Believe+Bigfoot.jpg
    1 point
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