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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2012 in all areas

  1. It's not emotional it's common sense. Nothing proven means you don't know what you are shooting at, period.= unethical. Couple that with the fact it is standing and or running/walking on two feet and probability dictates it is most likely a human being. Smeja relates a great deal of internal conflict over this. He ultimately rejected the thought it was human due to circumstances and took the shot, if we are to believe the story. Whether you agree with the decision or not, he didn't know what he was shooting, his best guess was that it wasn't human, until apparently the little one died in his arms. What about the guy in a Gillie suit? how many times could you use that plea?
    2 points
  2. Just in case this wasn't a joke, of course not. Science was the worst thing for Native Americans. When white man took over their lands, we forced their people to change to "our ways" or else we killed them and called them "savages." Modern man ruined their culture and their way of life. I'm not sure how anyone can argue that our arrival was anything less than awful for them. Perhaps it would be similar for sasquatch?
    1 point
  3. Fair play to you Derek.. Through this whole thing from the very beginning, you've shown that you are clearly a Man of honour and integrity and i personally take my hat off to you for the way you've conducted yourself throughout, undoubtedly.. Ontario, give the Guy a break Man and see it for what it is right now yeah ? There's a time and a place, and i don't think that now is neither, trust me.
    1 point
  4. I was not there but I get the feeling watching the video that the driver knew or had an inkling that this was NOT a bear when he kept telling JS "don't shoot" and JS ignored his pleas. That tells me that JS is either very ignorant or blatantly unaware of how animals, like bears behave and what the hell they look like. Maybe when applying for hunting licenses they should also have you point out that particular animal from a chart before you are issued a license. I do not believe JS when he says he was unaware of the hairy people or their legends and stories all these years. Afterall, he's not a child.........
    1 point
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