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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2012 in all areas

  1. I'll echo these sentiments even though I'm not pro-kill. plussed.
    1 point
  2. Well there was stuff in the Interview that apparently DR didn't know so i highly doubt the rest of us did. & DR also stated a while back ( within the last 2 months definitely ) that he " didn't have all his egg's in one basket " ( i'm sure he used that term too ) with regards to samples, i just can't remember if it was said on here or on FB.
    1 point
  3. He may have been nothing but honest which is always something i'd prefer even if i don't like the truth, but that doesn't mean you do have to like that same truth and in this instance, it most certainly isn't surprising after some of the stuff he said on that interview that he is getting crucified because certain parts of it was just downright shameful.. Even if he is full of remorse now and realised he made dreadful judgement calls on a few occasions and was completely truthful when speaking of it, that still doesn't mean people should or would be happy with the way things went down. Having no emotional connection with Animals that you shoot is one thing, having no emotional connection with something you described as a " Kid " and then just tossing it at your Hunting Partner after it dies in your hands/arms after you've shot it for no real apparent reason, is most something else entirely.
    1 point
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