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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2012 in all areas

  1. There are no simple answers to the questions many folks following BFF would like to have regarding the Bigfoot phenomenon. Throughout recorded history across the world there have been accounts of a tall hairy manlike creature stalking the remote wooded areas of the land. Native American legends and folklore have the same accounts of a tall hairy biped called by many names. Early American history and new accounts have listings of witness accounts. Wood Devil, Boogers, Wild Man of the Woods, Half Face, Skunk Ape and many more names apply to this phenomenon. From its formation in 1995 until the present, The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization has listed over 4,000 close encounter accounts that have proved to be reliable from conducting background investigations into the incidents. This does not include the total number submitted and for various reasons, were not published on their website. Several university professors and retired law enforcement officials have hundreds of cast foot impressions taken from remote areas, some of which have distinctive dermal ridges and injury marks, not easily replicated by novice pranksters. In the U.S., there presently scores of private organizations spending hundreds of man hours out in the field gathering evidence about Bigfoot with mixed results. Not counting the private individuals and hunters, there are over a hundred camera traps set up across the nation in hopes of capturing a good image of what is making those huge foot impressions. People want answers, but often quickly reject anything presented that deviates from their strict pre-conceived ideas about what is actually going on. 1. You have the skeptical ones who believe all this is just the work of a few pranksters…rightfully so; this has been proven to apply to a number of instances and is a cloud that hangs over any serious inquiries. 2. You have people who believe Bigfoot possibly exists, but if so, it is just a dumb undiscovered primate wondering around out in the woods that can be manipulated, stalked and hunted. This approach has had little if any success, yet there are many who will not deviate from this mindset. With little or no evidence to prove their point and for whatever reasons (i.e. inflated egos, jealously, status etc.), some will viciously attack the integrity and sanity of those who disagree with their position. 3. You do have the people who have come to know the Bigfoot and have regular close interaction with them. There are things they observe about them that add more questions than answers. Call it paranormal, intra-dimensional or whatever, but they witness things about them that have no natural explanation as we know it. Some do relate experiencing telepathic communications, physical transformations and other paranormal stuff way out of the box and only a very few will receive it. In my remaining lifetime, I feel additional scientific facts will be presented, but the conflict with opinions and views will continue and more questions than answers will be presented. Bigfoot will remain a hot topic, but more questions than answers will be presented. This is just my humble opinion and view which is subject to change as additional facts and evidence is presented. Midnight Owl
    1 point
  2. Lindsay wouldn't collapse a universe, but rather cause it to burst apart at the seams. I know I've a difficult time getting far enough from him. I pull leeches from me when they start sucking blood, and I feel no differently about robert's spiel.
    1 point
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