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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2012 in all areas

  1. I think that is most likely too. The above post by Abf with Smejas comments is interesting, the writing style is very clean for the General.
    1 point
  2. ^Interesting. In this position the squatch could watch someone behind it by peaking backwards through its own legs. I've watched toddlers do this on more than one occassion. It also reminds me of one of the shots in the Jacobs photo set, which I believe to be genuine. The juvenile squatch may have assumed the position when he sensed the camera taking the previous shot of it. By doing so he gave us a shot of this behavior.
    1 point
  3. I got so close to two of them that I had to drive around them. They were in Colorado, but on Hiway 62, a major trunk hiway. Prior to that I really had no opinion on BF. I still don't, my knowledge that they exist is no opinion. They are quite real. Get 8 feet from one; there is no ambiguity. The reason there have been no other films like the PGF is immaterial. There have been other videos that are legitimate. And they are all debated endlessly, which is how it will be for all time, because even if BF is acknowledged by 'science' the problem will be that many people will not want to believe its out there which is how it is right now, BTW. Some other debate comes from those that *want to believe* but don't want to be a smuck either. So they debate the evidence under whatever guise works. I think the debate is healthy; like any other field there are a lot of hoaxers with who-knows-what motivation for their work, and they need to be ferreted out.
    1 point
  4. Quoted for truth. Lies must cover lies, but truth will stand on its own. Dr. Ketchum if you are reading this, you really need to work on public relations and adopt a more formal, professional tone in your correspondences with the public.
    1 point
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